
Blonde Ashley

Sometimes it's good to be a little weird



Biology: Bone Marrow

Bone marrow is found in the long and flat bones in our body. There are two kinds of bone marrow, red and yellow. Red marrow produces blood cells in our body. Blood marrow is also a barrier that keeps young blood cells from going through the epithelial blood vessels. Yellow marrow is made of mostly fat and it supports the activity of red marrow.

Biology: Marine Animals

Fish that live in saltwater only drink saltwater. They get rid of extra chloride ions through the gills or kidney. Extra sodium follows the chloride, this way they never have too much salt in their bodies.

Fresh water fish on the other hand have to work to make sure they have enough salt. Since they drink little water and the water they drink doesn’t really have salt they have to eat food that has salt.

Salmon are an example of osmoregulators, they can live in both. Their bodies work like other fresh water animals in fresh water. Then when they are in salt water they produce cortisol. This makes the chloride cells grow; the bigger chloride cells secrete more salt and the salt will leave through the gills of the fish.

Biology: Fish

Counter-current is a form of gas exchange that fish use to breathe. This means that water passes over the gills is the opposite direction that the blood flows through the fish. This causes the water to reach the blood with a lower Po2 level. This helps the fish draw up to 80% of the oxygen out of the water they use. This compared to the 25% of oxygen that humans get out of the air we breath.

Biology: Intelligence in Animals

All animals have at least some levels of intelligence.

Somethings that would be called intelligence would be:

1. Understanding orders.

2. Recognizing your own kind.

3. Gathering things such as food for the future.

4. Being able to be trained.

Humans can do all of these and more which is why they are believed to be the most intelligent species.

Biology: Can A Poison Arthropod Be A Benefit.

Many Arthropods such as bees or spiders may be really scary at first but they are just doing their job. Just like it’s your job to do school every day, it’s their job to spin webs and collect pollen.

Whenever you feel threatened what’s your reaction? Do you scream? Take a swing? Whatever you, do you’re essentially trying to protect yourself. That’s what a bee is doing when it stings you. and though it may hurt, you want the bees to be protected, because they are very essential to the pollination of plants, and plants are essential to us.

Biology: Chordates

Chordates are animals that have a notochord, a hollow dorsal nerve chord and other different body parts that they have for particular parts of their life cycle.

The biggest difference between chordates and vertebrates are the notochord and the hollow dorsal nerve chord. Most chordates are sea dwelling creatures. Vertebrates have distinguishable spines.

Biology: Water Through a Plant

First of all water comes from the soil to the xylem. The xylem is vascular tissue in plants. The xylem conducts water and dissolved nutrients up from the root. When in the xylem the forces of cohesion and adhesion make the water from a structure kind of like a column. It will then move from there to the mesophyll cells. These are the inside of leaves. The water then leaves the plant.

Biology: Plants Obstacles

On the path from pollination to germination, there are many things that will slow down or delay the reproduction of a plant. Describe two or more of these delaying factors, and explain how each could actually be helpful to the plant species.

1. Water. When people think of water as being a problem to a plant, they often think of not enough. Though on the contrary too much water is a problem also. If a plant gets too much water it can wash away much nutrients that the plant needs.

2. Seasons also delay plants production. If seeds germinate in the fall they freeze aver winter. The plant adapt and germinate after the winter is over.

Biology: Plants in the Desert

Photosynthesis is hard for plants in the desert. Because there is so little water, desert plants have to do photosynthesis a special way.

Since their is so little water and the sun is so intense, desert plants have a special way they do things.

One thing they do is that they close their stomata during the day. This makes the water gets out of them much more slowly. Stomata are tiny pores in the plants. If the plants would let them open the water would get out very quickly because of the intense heat. Instead they only open them during the night. The plants need to complete the Calvin Cycle, which need sunlight and CO2 in order to be done. The plants should die, right? Nope! They have special carbon containing acids that absorbs the CO2 and holds it. These release the CO2 throughout the day so that plant can go through the Calvin Cycle when sunlight is present. Isn’t it awesome how God designed every plant for it’s environment.

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